Sunday, April 05, 2020

Nature's Joy

they tell me it's plum
plum trees 
shooting puffs of pink into the new come Spring
plum trees blossoming early early and letting us see the hope of renewal
of life
of ongoing growth and change and seasons and cycles

they tell me it's plum
but we all say cherry
cherry blossoms - sakura
and they come too
and white apple blossoms on that one tree down the road
and then the snow of Spring - these delicate petals
these blossoms
spin as they are blown
(darling buds)
by winds still couched in Winter's breath

I walked today
past trees heavy with these blossoms 
I felt cool air touch my face,
watched birds fly overhead

nature doesn't know that we all are in pause
nature presses on
Spring blossoms fly through the air and pollen dusts my car

they tell me it's plum
not cherry
not at first
and I would curl up in the softness
pull a blanket made of their lightness up up up until it covered my chin

Winter passed
Spring is here
and life goes on

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