“You’ve Given Me A Lot To Think About”
Sound echoes when the air's this heavy
and they call it "mist"
but I think it's the pain of all our losses
making its way back down to the ground.
Do you ever wonder
about the slow disintegration
the water's making
at a time?
Because people travel to the Grand Canyon
to marvel at its depth
but they don't sit and stare
at their own backyard
falling away
a nanometer a minute.
I am really tired
of standing where I do
and being collateral damage
and over
“So MOVE!”
they shout
but I get grabbed
again and again
and eyes and lips
and words beg
beg beg me to stay.
I lessen the damage
when you roll a low, low number
and I take the hits
just like you asked
but also the ones
you seem to ignore.
I am bowled over by the wake
and stuck deep under the wash
and you stand on my back
to get to the air.
Is it a mark of your ignorance
or the bliss you find therein
that you look at me with confusion
as I tell you I trust you not at all
while I carefully tend
to the wound you gave me
which sits next to another
and another
and another
and more?
I am tired of being the ladder you climb
to your own salvation
while saying words
you think
mean more than your actions.
Sound echoes when the air’s this heavy
and the pain of my losses
drips slowly slowly slow
as I make my way
back down to the ground.
I am my own Grand Landscape
carved away
forever changed
one droplet at a time.