Friday, January 05, 2018

Fair Shot

you came in wounded
dripping blood all over my heart
and started out with driving home the point of 
not ever
don't even breathe those words, that thought.
But you said sweet things
and I believed you
and you took on roles
and I believed you
and you held me close
and I believed you
and I
I lifted you up
and held you close
and I
believed in you
whole heartedly.

But we never had a chance.
We never had a shot at what's now been thrown away
and I put that on them
and you
and the lies you forgot to clarify
and you insult me regularly - daily
with your insistence on how everyone but me
is what I know I am
and what you shouldn't be stupid enough to miss

we were broken from the start
and now and again
we refresh
a slate not cleaned perhaps
but flipped 
and ready to be written on

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Getting Warm

I can't think of anything you could say
that would make me start to trust you again
I really can't
So while the hens sit and chitter to each other
cluck cluck clucking away about the grand meaning of it all
I sit here yelling at you in my head
too polite
too realistic
to yell at you anywhere else.

It was time you said you needed
so time you've had
a lifetime's worth
yet again
and meanwhile 
lives moved on
lives moved on
lives moved on and over and through and both nothing and everything has changed

both nothing and everything has changed


a word he keeps using 
and now I may have to turn towards you
if you have the audacity to want to be a friend now
Now?  After all the things said and not said
done and undone
after the way you spoke
and treated
and asked for things beyond what's fair
or kind
or nice at all

You were the one who told me you were grown up
and could play with the other side of the room
You were the one who told me
that this time, THIS time you meant it
for real
and I would be the one
you knew I was
for you
grown up
