Ahhh how things can change
in a month, two, all the ups have
slipped to memory
felt sense no more
and the fear thoughts, the
un-happies, insecurities, the reality nudges all mumble louder and louder
too much time
with thoughts
stuck in my own head
and not enough
of what's wanted
needed? no, helpful,
it all piles up
adds up
so change is needed
and that's my realm I hear
hoping not to have to
and hoping it's positive
not reductive
it feels difficult
whatever it is
and I'm unsure if I'm to do this one
utterly alone
or alone but
at least not unaware
sideline support I hope
this doesn't feel like it should be
all on me
but it's all on me
right now
it seems
choice I made
I guess
when I jumped
said yes to it
it being so very right
which unfortunately tends to
reinforce the pause I usually take
in other things
the pause of safety and caution
because were I able to do so in the
realm of my heart
perhaps I would not
so often
find myself here
head between hands
facing fears and uncertainties
I don't understand
what it is I'm supposed to learn
if I lose this one
(because that's the secondary fear,
or is it the primary... it's hard to tell you see)
is it a big picture or a little
picture lesson I didn't heed
am I to trust and share but walk it
on my own
or keep it close, do the work, and
perhaps not be as close
for now
to last the while
I want it all
but reality isn't
and no one's making a decision like a
Montague might
because work
and income
and family
and fear
someone once told me that no
relationship works until the one that does
and as much as I want this one
to be that one
I don't trust myself enough
some days
to know I'm right
so I doubt
and I try to overcome that
and I dislike
and dis-enjoy what I miss, what I
wish, what I want, would like
do you know in six days, do you
really? the cynical mutters
I say yes
I do
I swear I know
is hard
because I've made mistakes before
and what if I've not changed
to not have made them
this time again
so I pause
and I breathe
and I push myself on
faith, which is fading
quickly some days,
holding it all up myself
-how it feels
fuels the doubt and
they tell me I'm wrong
and I can't ask
not the time
muddied waters
slipping rope
why do I
always feel I
have to be the one
making changes
doing the work
wanting more
can't we both?
isn't that the point?
do I trust myself enough to speak my
having already been told
all the ways that could go wrong?
is this an establishing moment
or not worth the fight
until other things;
felt sense restored
seventy days
sixty nine
once was ninety
is this an extra bad week
wait it out?
dark cloud passing?
or is this it
for now
and then
is it enough
or can I make it be?